Online Past Life Regression

Discover Your Soul’s Journey from the Comfort of Your Home

At Growth Teacher, we’re excited to offer a unique Online Past Life Regression experience. While this method utilises similar energy and the theta brainwave state as Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), it is designed for a fully remote session that you can enjoy from the safety and comfort of your own home.

What to Expect

Tailored Experience:

We begin with a comprehensive one-on-one discussion (1 to 1.5 hours) to understand your goals and expectations. This ensures that the session is customized specifically to meet your needs.

Deep Regression:

In the following 1.5 hours, we guide you through the past life regression process. This session will help you uncover valuable insights into your past lives that can significantly impact your current life.

Safety and Technology Requirements:

Your safety and comfort are paramount. To ensure a successful session, please have the following:

  • A strong internet connection and a built-in or external camera on your device for video calling, allowing us to monitor your well-being.
  • A decent microphone and headphones to ensure you can hear the entire session clearly and to facilitate effective communication.
  • A quiet, comfortable space where you can lie down during the past life regression. This setup allows you to fully relax while still being able to hear me and for me to see you. If you prefer sitting, ensure you have a chair that allows you to lean back comfortably and can hear and see you properly. This is critical for the success of the session.
  • A trusted companion’s phone number who is ready to assist in the rare event of any technical issues, such as power cuts.

Session Details:

The session will be recorded both via video and/or audio. We will securely share these recordings with you after the session for your reflection and review.

past life regression

Who is it for?

This service is ideal for individuals looking to:

Seek Healing and Clarity:

If you’re dealing with unresolved trauma, chronic pain, or emotional blocks, online past life regression offers deep healing and understanding.

Discover Your Life’s Purpose:

If you’re searching for answers about your life’s direction or purpose, this regression helps uncover your soul’s journey and insights into current challenges.

Achieve Personal Growth:

Whether you’re looking to overcome limiting beliefs, improve relationships, or enhance personal development, online past life regression provides transformative experiences for significant growth.

Explore Spiritual Dimensions:

If you’re interested in exploring spiritual realms and connecting with higher aspects of yourself, this regression offers a profound path to spiritual awakening.

Who We Work With:

For your safety and the effectiveness of the session, we only accept clients who are not suffering from Alzheimer’s or schizophrenia.


Gain Insight into Past Experiences:

Discover the impact of past lives on your current life.

Healing and Resolution:

Address unresolved issues and traumas from past lives.

Enhanced Self-Awareness:

Understand deeper aspects of yourself and your life’s purpose.

Transformation and Growth:

Facilitate personal growth and positive change.

Booking Steps


Pay for Your Session

Secure your spot by completing the payment process.



Answer Prequalifying Questions

Provide detailed responses to ensure the session is tailored to your needs.




Schedule Your Session

Choose a convenient time for your online session.



Answer Prequalifying Questions

Provide detailed responses to ensure the session is tailored to your needs.



Schedule Your Session

Choose a convenient time for your online session.




Pre-Session Pack

Check your email within 48 hours to receive your guidelines to help you prepare for your upcoming session.


woman reaching out her hand

Ready to explore the depths of your soul’s journey?

Book your Online Past Life Regression session today and start your transformative adventure from the comfort of your own home.


What is Online Past Life Regression, and how does it differ from in-person sessions?

Online Past Life Regression is a fully remote session conducted via video call, allowing you to experience past life regression from the comfort of your own home. While it uses similar energy and the theta brainwave state as in-person sessions, the key difference is that it’s designed for safe and effective online delivery.

What equipment do I need for an Online Past Life Regression session?

You will need a strong internet connection, a device with a built-in or external camera for video calling, a decent microphone or headphones for clear audio, and a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. It’s crucial that you have a setup that allows you to lie down comfortably or sit in a reclining chair during the regression.

Is Online Past Life Regression safe?

Yes, Online Past Life Regression is safe when conducted under proper guidance. To ensure your safety, your trusted companion’s phone number must be provided before our session and who is available to assist in the rare event of technical issues, such as power cuts. Additionally, the session setup, including clear audio and video, is crucial to monitor your well-being throughout the session.

How long does an Online Past Life Regression session last?

The entire session typically lasts around 3 hours. The first 1 to 1.5 hours involve a detailed discussion to understand your goals and tailor the experience, followed by 1.5 hours of the regression process. The session is recorded, and you will receive the recordings securely afterward.

Who is eligible for Online Past Life Regression?

This service is ideal for individuals looking to heal unresolved traumas, discover their life’s purpose, achieve personal growth, and explore spiritual dimensions. However, for safety reasons, we cannot accommodate clients suffering from Alzheimer’s or schizophrenia.

What is the cancellation policy?

To avoid forfeiting your refund, please provide at least 48 hours’ notice prior to your booking session. This allows us to re-allocate the session to someone else. Any cancellation made less than 48 hours before the session is non-refundable.

When do I get my recording?

Depending on the length and size of the video recording, this could take at least 48 hours to process and upload. However, if the video is too long to process, you will receive the audio recording within 24 hours after the session, allowing you to listen to the session on your own time. Either way, you will receive the recording no more than 72 hours after the session.

Is the entire session recorded?

The second half of the session, where you go through the past life regression, is the part that is recorded.

Why must I have a trusted friend available during the session?

For safety reasons, we require a trusted friend whom we can reach to assist you in case of power cuts or other emergencies. This person must be able to follow our instructions over the phone to help wake you up if needed. Please ensure the contact number includes the country code.

Will my trusted friend be in the same room with me during the session?

No, the session is private and only you will attend. Your trusted companion should be in the same property but does not need to be in the same room. They must have their mobile phone available in case of power cuts. This is very rare, but your safety is our top priority.

What language is used during the session?

The session is conducted exclusively in English. To ensure clear communication, both you and your trusted friend must be comfortable with understanding and speaking English during our time together.

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